Advertising Opportunities

Show your support of arts and culture in our region by advertising in our Concert Program Journals.

GBS distributes a colorful, entertaining Concert Program Journal for all four of our season’s main stage concerts each year. The journals provide concert information, scholarly notes on the composers and their music, profiles of the artists, “Meet Our Musicians” features and much more.

Your color ad; full, half or quarter-page size, will be positioned alongside content GBS fans and your future clients want to read.  Back cover and inside front and inside back covers are available for greater visibility of your brand.  Program Journals will also be online for our website visitors to see your ad beyond this season and the concert hall for more impactful impressions. 

 GBS can assist in creating your ad artwork for a nominal added fee.  Your art may change during the season up to two times, to feature special promotions or upcoming events with more punch.

Full Season Advertising Rates:

Back Cover $2,250 – Includes value added digital screen ad pre-concert & during intermission

Inside Back Cover / (Inside Front Cover – SOLD) $1,250 – Includes value added digital screen ad pre-concert & during intermission

Full Page $950

Half Page $500

Quarter Page $350

Note:  These rates are prorated during the season for 2024-25:

Your ad will include a mention (with logo if desired) on our Supporters’ Page.